Cimory first collaboration with Marie Regal for their new UHT Milk! 08 Sep 2021

Cimory’s first collaboration with Marie Regal for their new UHT Milk! 

Cimory has launched their new Cimory UHT Milk with Marie Regal in Indonesia. This is the dairy company’s first official collaboration with another brand, in this case Marie Biscuits, as the first UHT milk with the real Marie Regal.

Their initial insight was that consumer behaviours have changed particularly after the Covid outbreak. Food and beverages have provided consumers with entertainment, comfort and to a large extent nourishment and immunity. It has brought about a sudden demand for high value products which are nutritious, premium and indulgent. Cimory as a one of the leading dairy players recognized this opportunity.

The selection of flavours taps into the common practice of dipping Marie Regal biscuits into beverages especially milk. We have also seen many foodservice players innovate with Marie Regal biscuits as a crunchy topping suitable for both beverages and desserts.

The response has been extremely positive from consumers. Discussion began to emerge on social media as more people are attracted to purchase and try out the product.

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